E picked up a new book at church a few weeks back. It has really been an eye-opener. It is called 'Love & Respect' (they have a website -> HERE). It has given us an amazing insight into why we get locked into a cycle of conflict from time to time. I heartily recommend it to any Christian couple that is serious about improving their marriage ad relationship.
blessings on your day
1 comment:
Hey Daddy-o! Are you and E going through it together? I know lots of couples who it has benefited. Andy's parents have been happily married for years and he bought it for them with the work books. I have heard nothing but fantastic things about it (I know mom and Dennis went through it) and I fully intend on reading it with my husband some day. For now though, in a month Andy and I are going to read "Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts." I hope that book blesses you two!
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