Wednesday, October 6, 2010


From time to time, our paths cross those of people that are from a different background, social strata, culture, religion or philosophical view.  It is interesting to me how little effort we make to turn those "path crossings" into relationships.  We seem to spend 99% of our time investing in people that are just like us.  I know that I am very much guilty of this.  While I work very hard not to be prejudiced and biased I also know that if people don't fit MY pattern, I tend to avoid them.

The problem of course, is that this very much contrary to the examples that Jesus gave us.  He avoided His "network" and reached out to the lepers, the outcasts and the social pariahs.   These are the people that we tend to avoid, ignore and gently move to the side.  Having a heart like our Savior means that we need to love the people that HE loves.  It means reaching out to the ones that are different, make us uncomfortable and that don't fit in our cozy little world.

Step outside your stained glass box and go meet some of the rest of the world today.

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