Monday, August 16, 2010

August at The Oakes

(From Clare)

Hello and welcome to this report from the Jungle.....

Hmmm ... don't worry I haven't gone crazy, it's just that the Oakes, in some areas, is resembling something more South American rainforest than Gerogian listed building. It's amazing what can be achieved with a little paper, glue, white tac & copious amounts of imagination. 'Rumble in the Jungle' the summer theme is in earnest.

Yesterday we said goodbye to forty plus 11-15 year olds, and tomorrow we welcome in forty plus 10-14 year olds! Quick turnovers are necessary for the rest of August to fit in with the strange Sheffiels school holiday dates. It means that we are able to keep the traditonal six camps, three, 4 day and three, 6 day versions. One of the 6 day camps would have had to have been axed which would have been a real shame as having the children here for longer enables better relationships to be built, more time for them to think, and team to come alongisde and be there for the questions. Of which there has been many, praise God!

Huge praises are necessary as we have had the priviledge of watching God open camper's eyes and have that moment of realisation (and salvation) as they come to see for the first time their heavenly Father and their relationship with Him. It has also been tough knowing what some of the young people on holiday will be going back to in their home situations and trying to bring God's light into those places.

Praise God for:
*The summer camps have been going really well - many children hearing and responding to the gospel.
*The children on summer 1 who committed their lives to God
*New & past team members coming to help on camp (sometimes in the kitchen!) - lots of new energy & enthusiam
*Current team and all they have done during this last year and how their faith has matured.
*The new guest rooms in the extension have been full every camp! Very timely provision.
*The lovely new office upstairs for Luke, Tom, Erica, Mez, Andy and me - again very timely in it's provision!

Pray for:
*The next 3 summer camps, quite intense with one day off between each one
*More males for next year's team - a repeated summer prayer theme every year ...
*Wisdom in where I move to out of The Oakes during the Autumn.
*Better health & energy for me - so that I can complete my job well both practically cooking & on the paperwork
*Productive & efficient time to complete menu's & training prep for the new year, whilst also concentrating on the summer camp cooking/ordering combo.
*A restful time during the 'closed' period.

Thank you so much for all your prayers, they have been quietly sustaining me and a real encouragement!

Your sister in Christ,

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