Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Do You Do?

One of the greatest challenges that evangelists face (well, at least in MY opinion) is how to present the Gospel in a way that people can hear and receive.  Paul stated that he tries to be all things to all people when preaching the Gospel.  This is a key concept and crucial to the effective evangelist.  The ability to meet people where they are without judgment, pretension or barriers is one that few of us have mastered.   I know that I struggle with this very thing.  I have prejudices, biases and preconceptions.  I make snap judgments based on language skills, hygiene and style of clothing.  The result is that I probably miss out on opportunities to have relationships, meet new people and share Jesus.

While there are certainly other issues that can impede our ability to evangelize, this is certainly one of the things that has to be addressed to be effective and to be open and willing to go where God sends us.

blessings on your day

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