Wednesday, May 5, 2010

All That I need

I am pretty sure I have posted on this before and in all likelihood will do so again.  As human beings we have needs that we can not meet or fill on our own.  For most (all?) of us, we look to the people in our lives to meet those needs.  We look to our parents when we are children, to our peers and girl/boy friends in our teens, to our mate and our children as adults.  We seek out friends that can fill some of the void and may medicate to cover over other parts.  When we find someone that does a good job of meeting those needs, we put them up on a pedestal and quickly come to depend - depend on them to meet our needs, always be there, never let us down.

The result is that eventually and inevitably they fail us. When they do we end up broken and bleeding.  Sometimes the scars run so deep that we may never fully trust anyone again.  If this has never happened to you then you are very blessed indeed.

The only real solution there is (and I don't consider becoming an emotional hermit a real, viable solution) is to stop looking to people to meet those needs.  For those that God calls His own, the promise is absolute - He will supply all our needs.  Some people will fight against that and restrict Him to meeting spiritual needs and to "911" style emergencies.  The truth, however, is that God promised to meet all our needs. 

One of the reasons we struggle with this is that He never promised to supply all our wants.  The result is that often we are missing things in our life that we think we need to survive.  The only solution?  Trust - if we trust God to keep His promises (besides supplying our needs He also promises that He will cause everything to work out for our ultimate good) then we have what we need to survive even if we don't have what we want to be comfortable.

This lesson is never an easy one and it is one that is repeated in my life time and again.  Too much of who I am wants to be in control, in charge and in comfort - and that is not His plan for my life.

blessings on your day

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