Thursday, April 8, 2010

Travel Lightly (part 2)

I read something this morning that started my thoughts running down a rabbit trail again.   Somewhere in my life I lost the passion; I lost the ability to dream; I lost my ability to be adventurous.  I have heard a few rumblings in the Christian community of late about this very topic (well, not spot on but close).  The idea of traveling lightly is a new one for me (and I explored it a bit last month) but certainly not one that is foreign to any student of the Scriptures.   The Israelites understood this very well.  For 40 years they lived in tents and the house of God was a tent until Solomon built the first temple.  The Apostles understood this as do missionaries today.  But most of us have lost the ability; the ability to dream, the passion for experiencing life that we had as children, the ability to travel lightly.

As we age we grow sedentary, secure, stable.  We acquire "stuff" and focus on comfort rather than adventure.  We call it "putting down roots" or "creating a stable environment" or "growing up."    Not that these things are bad in and of themselves - no, the danger comes when these become our sole focus and our only priority. Traveling lightly means to be ready to move the direction God requires of us.   It means to be willing to let go of what holds us back - encumbers us.

Several months ago, the leader of my men's group asked me what my vision was for my life and my marriage.  I couldn't answer him.  I am coming to realize that this is a problem and it is something I need to spend more time focusing on and praying about.  The bible tells us that people perish when they have no vision.   I think that the church and her members have lost vision, put down roots and become stationary.  We focus on political action, current events and church growth.  Again, not bad things but not what the church should have as it's primary focus.

It is time for a change, time to recapture our vision, time to move our feet.   And maybe it is time to start thinking about traveling lightly.

Blessings on your day

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