Some days I seem to have lots to say - other days not so much. This is a "not so much" day. I liked the way Google renamed itself to Topeka today (You aren't in Kansas). Besides being the day we play jokes, it is also the day we remember Jesus inauguration of The Lord's Supper or Communion. Of the two, obviously I consider the second to be of radically higher importance.
Over the years, many churches have published doctrines explaining Holy Communion. I have no intention of listing them or discussing the relative merits of each. I will state firmly that it needs to be a regular part of each believer's act of worship. We are instructed to remember what our Lord did. Remembering the sacrifice, the love, the gift of life that God placed up there on that cross is crucial to our faith. When we lose sight of what He did to provide a way for us to be redeemed, we are at risk of taking God, His love and His gifts for granted - and that is a very dangerous thing to do.
So today take a moment and reflect. Reflect on Jesus' life and His death. Remember what He was willing to do for YOU. Perhaps even reflect on what you are willing to do for Him.
blessings on your day
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