Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Great Weekend

The weekend went very well for us.   Emma mowed the yard Friday so I wouldn't have to (yay!) Saturday morning bright and early we had a ball game.  We got clobbered - it seems our team can't play much before 11 unfortunately.   I think next time we need to bring energy drinks for the kidlets.   We ran errands the rest of the morning (including the grocery store).   I finished up the last of the drop system repairs and got a couple of chickens on the grill by 3.   We had Clint and his family over for dinner.  They have 4 six year olds (really neat story) so Noah had playmates.

Sunday before church I started a pot of spaghetti sauce.  After service we sat on the patio and played cards until it was time to head over to the Landons for our small group potluck.   This morning I had my semi-annual gum mangling.   The dentists was running late so it was 8:45 before I got out.  Of course any other day, traffic at 9 is perfectly fine.  Today it was worse than it normally is at the peak drive time.  Go figure.   Of course I also have 16 hours of work I need to finish before I go home today

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