Friday, February 12, 2010


One of the topics to which I return at regular intervals is that of quietness.  It came up again this morning at my men's bible study where the verse admonished us to "live a quiet life."  Over and over we see references to the advantages to being still and quiet.  We are told that we need to be still to hear God; that He speaks in a still, small voice.  Jesus offers peace; Paul preaches on contentment and the Spirit brings us rest.

Being too busy and too "noisy" in our life is the hallmark of our generation.  We strive, drive and fly through life.  We are moving flat out, at a dead run and constantly chasing the rabbit.  The noise and chaos the results drowns out God's voice and robs us of contentment.  It can serve to feed addictions and eventually build a wall around our hearts.  Take a moment today and reflect on that still, small voice.  What is God saying to you?

blessings on your day

1 comment:

Car Wrecker said...

I started to have a piece of peace of mind the moment i listen to what God is trying to tell me. You have a very nice blog here. Very interesting! Wishing you a Blessed Day!