Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rehearsing Old Pain

Part of the process of doing a personal inventory includes "reviewing" the list of people that have either caused you pain or towards whom you hold a grudge.   As is often the case, at first blush, I could remember little and blithely announced that I had no one on my list.  It didn't take long, though before the memories started trickling in - and the trickle quickly became a torrent. 

In the deep past of my childhood, much of my pain has been blocked out and buried deep.  However, there has been a significant amount in the last decade or so that is still fresh enough to be close to the surface.  As I start documenting the people and situation, I am forced to relive a lot of it - which in turn creates more pain.   I know that this is a necessary thing and that working through these areas will leave me stronger and healthier.  At the same time, it is also something I would rather avoid if I could.

My goal (at least short term) is to be honest and open in this process - and that includes identifying my role in what transpired.  This will take time and prayer and I am confident that this is part of the "good work" that God is completing in me.

blessing on your day

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