Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An Old Friend

Some of my oldest friends have stopped by for a visit this week.  Unfortunately, these are not the kind of friends you can have lunch with or invite over to the house for a visit with the family.  The last month has seen a sharp increase in my load at work as well as pressure to perform flawlessly.  Any margin we had has evaporated like summer dew.  The spectre of my addiction has refused to subside and it seems that temptations arise at every turn.  Add to that the pressures and stresses that come with a large, extended and blended family and you get the equivalent of the Wild Hunt at your door.

None of this comes as a surprise.   The enemy loathes seeing us grow, recover and mature.  A healthy Christian is a threat to him.  He wants to see us weak, downtrodden, defeated and ineffective.   We are told in James to "resist the devil" and he will flee from us.   Over the (short) course of my recovery, I have seen some start strong and falter as well as some who could barely stand manage to keep crawling towards victory.   Resistance doesn't always mean standing firm and unassailable - it means never giving up.

I can open the door to my old friends or slam it shut in their faces - the choice is mine as it is yours.

blessings on your day

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