The commercials that ran for a time with that tag were successful in that they added that line to American culture. Whether they actually sold any product I don't know (don't even remember exactly what product they were selling). The sentiment, however, is one that is often missing form our society.
I was reading this morning in my son-in-law's blog discussing a passage from 1 Timothy where Paul extols the virtues of caring for others. Loving people is what Jesus was about. When He was asked which of the commandments was the greatest, He told us to love God and to love others. If we do those 2 things, everything else follows naturally. Loving people isn't always easy, often it requires us to make sacrifices and it almost always requires us to take risks. Yet in the final analysis, this is what it means to be a follow of Jesus. We have decide whether to live in isolation and live for ourselves or to truly do what our God requires of us.
blessings on your day
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