Friday, January 29, 2010

Being Dependent

At bible study this morning, one of the men mentioned a desire to do better at leaning on, trusting and depending on God.  The longer I thought about this, the more it set me back.  What a powerful and dangerous (from the world's point of view) prayer to pray.  In order to trust God more, we need to have our foundations shaken, our comfort zone erased and our needs left to Him to meet.

To do this means to cast your fate completely on Him.  He will help you learn to trust Him for money, shelter, employment, health and .. well everything.  How many of us trust in our job to put food on the table, trust in our abilities to get/keep that job and trust in our mind and education to acquire those abilities?   How many of us think it is our driving skill that gets us to work unscathed?  How many of us trust in the doctors to keep us healthy?  The truth is that if we are His, He provides it all.  God has promised to be our provider, our strength and our protection.  How many of us are willing to put those promises to the test?

I know that I have not been and frankly, I am not sure I am ready to pray that prayer.  We have learned some of those lessons in the past - finances, jobs, health have all been ripped out of our hands.  We have been forced to turn to God to provide in all those areas.  Each time He has been faithful and I know that God's faithfulness is eternal.

How and where is your trust today?

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