Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

As we get ready to head over to the family gathering, I wander through the Christmas email from my absent friends.   Listening to Casting Crowns and Chris Tomlin Christmas CDs and smelling the pot of soup I have on the range (an Italian bean soup that we call minestrone but looks nothing like what you get at a restaurant).  It is in the low 50's today here in NorCal and the skies are clear.   I stopped and prayed for those that are currently being hammered by blizzards right now.

I made the boy stop whining about opening a present early to read me Luke 2 from his bible.   It seemed to improve his mood a bit.  I finished up my tasks at work (mostly getting things ready for the Saturday maintenance window) and am ready to head upstairs and start getting ready.  Emma comes home from work soon (she always wants a shower after a shift in Oncology) so I need to be out of her way.

blessings on your day and have a very blessed and joyous celebration of the birth of my Lord

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