Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Giles'

Some good news - Andy has his green-card and is currently job hunting.    The pictures from the English wedding were superb (thanks Jeremy) - email me if you want the link.  They had a great time on their honeymoon in Tuscany and managed to avoid death-by-auto on the Italian road system (apparently it is "ok" to pass someone who is passing someone on a 2-lane road if your have a shoulder to drive on).

It is great having them back in the country and I am looking forward to seeing them both this Christmas sometime.

On a more somber note, Dale was in an accident this week on the freeway.  Good news he didn't get hurt - bad news is the car may be totaled (and it was Sarah's car).  No word yet on if they will get anything from the insurance company.

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