All of the entries about communication really lead up to today's topic - Connection. The human heart is not designed for isolation. We are wired to be in relationships. Obviously the 1st one(s) are with parents and siblings. Later, as we grow we add extended family and friends. Over time some relationships fade and others form.
When our primary communication channel is unsuited for depth, our relationships remain shallow and superficial. I have a number of friends with who I have never met F2F (face-to-face). My relationship with them is, of necessity, not very deep. Yes I know, you can develop a significant friendship over the 'net - but it will never achieve the depth and closeness that a relationship will have if it is founded on direct, personal interaction (note that I did not say physical interaction).
The closest relationships that we as humans can have by choice here on this planet is with our mates. Regular, intimate communication; shared experiences (including children) and direct, personal interaction combine to build a powerful bond.
That same bond exists between a committed Christian and God. One of the biggest differences between the Roman Catholic Church and an evangelical church (like Bayside) is the emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus. God wants to meet you on a personal, intimate level. He isn't interested in canned prayers, routine liturgies or routing everything through a priest or other intermediary. God loves us (you) in the same way that a parent will love a child - absolutely, unconditionally.
Without the personal aspect, you might as well add Jesus as a friend on MySpace....
blessings on your day
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