For the Roseville area as for many regions in the country, the recession is hitting retailers hard. A substantial part of the tax revenue for Placer County comes from the auto-mall which is posting some of the worst sales figures in it's history. The list of store closings just keeps growing - Mervin's, Circuit City, Linen-n-Things, The Melting Pot, Shoe Pavilion.
Many lower income families rely heavily on finding seasonal employment to make it through the holidays. With fewer stores open and those that are, cutting back on staff, the employment outlook is bleak. The retail vacancy rate keeps rising as the small businesses close their doors and disappear.
What many see as a disaster is turning into an opportunity for the church. We have more Christmas charity programs this year in our church than in any previous Christmas. As you consider how to spend your hard earned dollars this Christmas season, consider sharing with those that are less fortunate.
blessings on your day
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