Thursday, August 7, 2008

Total Eclipse Of The Sun

I love astronomy pictures (as you know if you are a regular reader).  The vast majority of the pictures I post are from the 'net (using Google Image search or trolling other blogs) with a few of them coming from my camera.   Sometimes the pictures tie in well to the post and topic, other times they are just something that tickles my fancy. Today it is a picture that falls into the latter category (although now talking about it makes it the former, eh?).

The other night NoDogs and I went out back to look at Jupiter (curtesy of his friend Peyton).  One of these days, when things slow down a bit, I would love to take one or more astronomy classes at Sierra.  Until then I will continue to subscribe to the various Picture-Of-The-Day feeds and dream.

blessings on your day

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