While the south-east braces for another in a series of tropical-storms/hurricanes, California is still in the grips of the summer heat. Granted school keeps starting earlier and earlier, but starting the kids in school during triple-digit heat is rough.
NoDogs is all beside himself this year ever since we came home from back-to-school night last week. It seems that Mr Denney expects the kidlets to read a book a week. He also will only allow a couple of the Juney-B-Jones (sp?) or Magic Treehouse series before the kids are encouraged to move on. Noah is fretting that he won't be able to finish his books in a week. Of course his teacher also said he would review the books and allow more than a week for longer books but NoDogs can't seem to hear that part. E sent him to school this morning with his book to show his teacher :)
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