Odd to think how excited we were this week when gas dropped below $4/gal. The price of oil is dropping steadily due to "concerns over demand." Since it appears that demand in the USA is declining I would like to know who is "concerned" about this. I would think that the world would celebrate with us as we slowly reduce our gluttonous consumption of petroleum.
Oh wait! Maybe the
suppliers are the ones concerned...
LOL - there was a long line at the gas station next to me because gas was $3.82/gallon. I was laughing at how excited everyone was. We can not be considered as intelligent life. We're still getting ripped off and Big Oil is still shoving high profit reports in our faces.
They justify the greed by pointing out that the profit *margin* has actually gone down slightly.
Wait, under $4.00/gallon? Stinkin' Fresno.. I just paid $4.12! I don't even look at the price anymore, just if there's a conveniant space to pump.
Same gas station is now down to $3.76. :D
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