So we got a new DVR 2 weeks ago (previous one died). I immediately scheduled a half dozen movies to record. Checked on the status 4 days later and discovered that our DVR won't record (nothing recorded but the hard drive is 100% full). Called SureWest and was told "yeah, that is a software glitch, we are developing a patch which will load automatically." I waited patiently. The patch downloaded Tuesday. Now the DVR won't even boot up. It gets stuck and displays an error message on the screen. Called SureWest and got the response you hate to hear from tech support - "Gee, never saw that error before, wonder what it means?"
Appaerently the software patch was not QA'd very well as tey 'broke' a whole bunch of DVRs. Supposedly, they are pusing a script that will force the broken DVRs to to a complete reload and it will be working in the morning - yeah right.
Aren't cable/satellite companies the best! It truly does boggle my mind just how poor customer service really is.
When Ken started his company, I told him "Show up when you say you will, do a good job and finish when you say you'll be finished; do that, and you'll be a huge success."
Lo and behold, the housing market crashed, many companies went under and Ken is booked.
There are tons of bugs that they won't tell you about with this ADB DVR.
Employees are told to parrot the line "a fully functional DVR on par with our competitors" but it's now about a year old and there are more issues now than ever.
Issues include freezing, tiling, a series recording that doesn't work, and in many cases they won't send a dispatch out to fix the issue because they know it's a problem.
try it.
a little bird
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