It is a beautiful morning here in NorCal. The temperatures have stayed in the mid 80's so far this week. E is off work today after putting in 40 hours in 3 days. My cold is better today (thanks for the prayers). Got to spend some time on the phone this morning with my best buddy Brian (Yo Brian! We need to go wine tasting again soon).
I am really looking forward to this weekend in Monterey, I hope it warms up a bit as it has been in the low 60's all week.
Wow. It's hot, hot and more hot over this way. I would love to have some of that 60 degree weather.
Glad you're feeling better.
I love the 60's! No hot weather please :D I'm sure even if it warms up, it will feel great. See ya in a couple days :)
Mmmm the weather sounds nice! Today here in northern England we started off with rain and continued with rain all morning and into the afternoon. The rain relentlessly persisted during the late afternoon and on into the evening. And just as the sun was setting, it stopped raining and the sun appeared from behind the clouds. I got chilly taking photos though. They're up on my new picasa (along with all my photos from my trip) at picasaweb.google.com/gilerphone - in case RF hasn't told ya. Enjoy Monterey and send my hellos to all the Roseville gang!
Will do Gilo :) I'll look at the photos from home as picasa is blocked by our firewall (stupid rule anyway)
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