So still battling the kidney stone. Slept better last night but it kicked in again this morning. It is running about a "2" most of the time with spikes up to the 5-8 range. Still, I guess it beats spending the night in the E/R hooked up to I.V.'s.
SE made chicken cordon bleu last night for dinner. She has her Psych final today. E has her second day of training then it is back to the evening shift at Sutter. NoDogs has a game tonight (it isn't on my calendar so not sure who we are playing).
My daily reading hit Ruth this morning :) Love that book. Swindoll is teaching out of Esther (did you know that "God" isn't mentioned in the book of Esther?).
blessings on your day
1 comment:
hmmm... I haven't Ruth in a while. I just might need to do that.
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