While the last post was tongue-in-cheek, this one is not. Fox news reported today that 2 teens are being tried as adults in the beating death of a 7 year old little girl who was in their care (the half-sister of one of the teens). Apparently they were re-enacting a scene from the video game, Mortal Kombat.
Study after study downplays the link between video game violence and aggression in teens. Yet violence in the media and on our game consoles is touching millions of children every day. In turn, according to that same media, these children are acting out that violence in increasing numbers. To be blunt, it isn't the job of congress to control this. The responsibility rests squarely on the shoulders of the parents. The shows we watch and the games we play impact our children whether we like it or not. Wishing it wasn't so will not change anything or save a single life.
Allowing little Jimmy to watch daddy graphically slaughter enemies on the TV screen for hours on end has an effect on little Jimmy's mind. We tell our children it is wrong to hit other kids yet we watch Extreme Smackdown in the family room while cheering for our favorite thug.
When are the parents of today going to learn that if it isn't ok for little Jimmy, it does not belong in the house or at least on the tube while Jimmy is awake?
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