I was asked recently what makes my faith real to me. The question was in the context of a discussion relating to an acquaintance who had suffered a horrific loss and while expressing a "belief in Jesus' exhibited no actual saving faith.
I must be honest and say that I punted on the question. I wasn't prepared and didn't want to have to think hard. Since then I have pondered the question and will begin the process of answering.
There are two things that we MUST keep in mind in any discussion on faith. First, that faith is NOT the same as "knowing." The second is that faith, like love, is a choice. Both of these things need their own study.
In many ways, my faith is based on my experiences. Through various events in my life, God has made Himself known to me. This answer, however, will not suffice for most people (in fact it did not suffice for me).
It's an incredibly difficult question to answer because you can't put something like that in a verbal box. It's the same as asking someone how they know they love their wife, husband or children. You just know. You just feel it. It's just there. I couldn't not have my faith in my LORD any more than I couldn't not have faith in gravity. I can't see gravity either, but I sure know it's there. I couldn't stop the love I have for my LORD any more than I could stop the love I have for my child.
People who "know", know and understand. People who don't, can't know and understand.
AND - we are told to have an answer when asked :) So at some point, you need to be able to wrap words around what you "know" and explain why it is true for you
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