Left the house at 4:30 this morning as our main database was locked up and I could not get in remotely. Not much traffic at that time is about all that is good. Got the system back up by 5:45 and headed back home to get a shower and take the boys to school. Back at my desk by 7:30 - can you say overtime? Oh wait, due to a recent CA law, I no longer get OT pay, just "straight time for all hours worked." Gotta love our gubermint. "Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help" are the scariest words in the English language (maybe any language).
More postings after I have woken up.
so does Kennedy not get overtime anymore either?
K-man should be fine. It only applies to Computer Professionals and other jobs requiring some random amount of creativity. I'll publish the link n my next post.
"'Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help" are the scariest words in the English language'"
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