Tomorrow is a busy day. SE works at 10, AR goes in at 4 and E has to be at the hospital by 2:30. Noah has game 3 tomorrow morning (they are 2-0 so far) and this weekend is also pictures and opening day for RWLL. I have let the garden go too long and really need to get the watering set up. I know I have a broken head in the flower garden and the bed by the bench is a mess. I am looking forward to working in the garden and yard. Hopefully I can get the final bits in the garage straightened out so both cars will fit again.
This roo's for you
I can't remember when both our cars fit in the garage. I'm lucky if I can get one in. It's probably the one big change I would make to our home; adding a 14-car garage. It's not junk ~ it's all the equipment for his business that takes up so much space.
I got them both in tonight :D
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