Walt Henrichsen's devotional today was on the topic of faith and hope. This is a subject that has interested me a great deal lately. He said (in part) "Faith is commitment without knowing whether the object of your faith will meet your expectations. .... You always take your risks in the direction of your hope."
He has published a number of excellent messages on the topic of faith. One thing that I am learning and trying to pass along to my children, is the concept that faith - like love - is a choice. I have had many, many conversations with people who offer to accept Jesus if I can just prove that it is all real. The problem with that approach is that it eliminates faith which in turn eliminates hope.
God wants our hearts. He wants us to take risks. He wants us to believe without "knowing."
Where is your hope? In what do you place your trust?
blessings on your day
It is also a ridiculous request. Does anyone ever ask for proof that space is endless? Or that half the stuff NASA tells is exists really does? How about ~ prove it's the year 2008. Go ahead; when did year 0 occur? What year was it before then?
Long, long ago I realized evangelism is me telling my story and not trying to tell other people what's theirs.
I remember one time someone told me that they needed proof; I replied, "No, you need faith and you're asking the wrong person for that!" She accepted Christ 6 months later.
Indeed. I also have a very good friend who knows all of the above and still resists taking that last step.
I also know people that feel knowing ABOUT Jesus is sufficient and never realize that without a personal relationship, no knowledge is sufficient to save :'(
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