Another study that I read regularly, is Walt Henrichsen's "Thoughts From the Diary of a Desperate Man". In my opinion, he is on par with Chambers and Spurgeon. If you get the chance, you should pick up a copy of his daily devotional.
Today's study is on The Spoiled Child. The quote that stands out to me is this:
You can detect whether a person is spoiled, not by how much he owns but by his attitude; whether or not he is grateful for what he has. Ingratitude is a sure indicator of a person being spoiled. Such people are dissatisfied with the life God gave them. They are bored and hard to please.
Throughout my life as a parent, I have constantly pounded on my children (ask them, they will tell you) that it is all about attitude. The reason that I do this is that GOD is constantly telling ME the same thing. All too often I have the attitude of entitlement. I feel that I am owed something for my hard work and diligence. I "deserve" to have nice things, drive a new car and own the latest i high-tech gadgets.
It is all too easy to forget that without the providence of God, I would have nothing - not even my life.
Blessings on your day
A thankful heart. There aren't words to describe what a difference that makes in one's life.
Amen sister
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