Weekend is over. Didn't get much done. The ball game was great! We played to a tie with the Mariners, 7-7. I guess with the neighborhood split between the team, a tie is the best outcome. The service this morning was very good, Pastor Ray is doing a series on Philippians. Last night we went out for sushi to Mizo (or is it Mizu?) It is a buffet over by Paradise Grill. The price we pretty good and the selection was decent. Of course it wasn't Mikuni's but neither was the price. As much as we ate, the bill would have been at least double.
NO and I both got haircuts. We also wandered through the Automall looking at Highlanders. Very much doubt we will get one anytime soon as they are selling very well and they won't deal much.
Mopeds are starting to look really appealing right about now. It would take me a couple hours to get to work, but I would save a fortune in gas.
Our neighbors got mopeds and E was talking about it as she only works 3 miles from home.
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