Spring has sprung! All the pear trees are blooming as are the plum (all ornamental of course). Some of the trees even have a little green on them. The rose bushes are putting out foliage along with my hydrangea. Of course for all you allergy sufferers none of this is news. The grasses and molds are very high right now. NO's allergist is trying him out on a new inhaler and suggesting we go back to Zyrtec.
SE seems to have gotten a new job at Big 5. They had her fill out paperwork and gave her a handbook. She asked for 25+ hours/week so hopefully she can work enough to pay the bills. Her step-dad took her to dinner last night which was nice. RF might be driving her youngest siblings up for a visit this weekend. It is going to be tough over the next few weeks to keep the house from looking like a war zone. Redecorating is always messy.
Yes. Yes it is.
I know what mac-n-cheese is :D
You are a true gourmet
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