AR made dinner (and the cleanup) last night and did a very good job. Thanks AR!!
The weather forecast is for rain all week, fortunately the temperatures are in the low 50's so it is tolerable (although the wind sure blew last night). I think I will grill salmon tonight (in the rain). Sam's Club carries marinated salmon fillets in the freezer section that are pretty good. Probably do some noodles or couscous on the side.
One thing that always struck me about the story of Abraham and Isaac (see below) is Abraham's calm assurance that God would keep His promises. Even as he left to head up the mountain, he told his men that he and Isaac would be back. Nowhere is it recorded that Abraham cried out and raged at God. Nowhere do we see any doubt or uncertainty communicated. The writer of the book of Hebrews states that Abraham believed that God would resurrect Isaac; yet Abraham had never seen or heard of God resurrecting anyone. Abraham is so often held up as an example of faith - yet only 2 chapters earlier we see one of the times that he tried to pass off Sarah as his sister to avoid danger.
Whenever we are told one of the stories of the great men (and women) of faith we are also reminded that they - like us - are flawed. God is good and His mercies are everlasting. May you have a blessed day.
Genesis 22:5 Abraham said to his young men, "Stay here with the donkey, and I and the lad will go over there; and we will worship and return to you."
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