Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Yesterday I got a call from the church we attended for many years.  A friend had a heart attack and died suddenly.   Roger and Betsy were some of our earliest friends at that church.  When I got my cancer diagnosis (almost 5 years ago now), Betsy decided I needed to be lifted up and sent me 2-3 notes a week with scripture and words of encouragement.   Even though we haven't seen each other for several years now, I was one of the people she asked the church to contact when her husband died.

Please pray for our friend Betsy and her 2 boys during this time of grief.  Rest in peace Roger, we will see you again someday.


Emma's surgery on her shoulder went well.  The doctor cleaned up her rotator cuff and that was about it.   He said that she has severe inflammation and that there is nothing surgery can do to help her.  I guess it is a "good-news, bad-news" thing.  She goes in today to talk about options, next-steps and when she will be released back to work.  Thank you for all the prayers and support the past week.